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About museum

Дата: 10 октября 2019 в 20:19, Обновлено 11 октября 2019 в 00:37

Museum opening...
<iframe align="middle" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="200" scrolling="no" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/d2xdUKTLSy4" width="350"></iframe>

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the presentation of the opening of the Museum download

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Head of the Museum of secondary school No. 11 of Lida

Oshmyana Lyudmila Eduardovna

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       In our school, the museum has become a scientific and methodological center, on the basis of which public events are held: excursions, meetings, lessons on courage, meetings with interesting people, local historians A.F. Kulesh, V.V. Slivkin. Search activities were carried out in various directions: searching for materials and new facts about the events of the Second World War on Lidchina, material on the activities of the Normandy-Neman air squadron in Belarus and in Lidchina in particular, etc. The results of search activities form the basis of local history research. By visiting the museum of secondary school No. 11, you will not only learn interesting information about the events of the Great Patriotic War, but also see valuable exhibits - witnesses of those events (Ausweis of the occupation period, the emblem of the German car, German bandoleer, a dictionary to facilitate communication between German and Russian railway workers). You will learn the tragic story that happened on the submarine "Lenin Komsomol." Popova N.I., Kulesh A.F., Burak A.A., Mazovka A.S. - this is an incomplete list of those you will learn about while visiting our museum.

To learn more about the work of the Museum...
<iframe align="middle" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="200" scrolling="no" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/nTD8dG3VACQ" width="350"></iframe>

Aim:  the creation of a value oriented space that promotes development of patriotic feelings, the formation of national identity, an active civic position through familiarization with the national culture and the heroic past of the Fatherland.


- create conditions for the development of students' cognitive interest in their national roots, the desire to revive, preserve and continue the traditions of the Belarusian people;

- explore the historical and cultural values ​​of their Motherland in conjunction with the history, culture and nature of the region through attracting students to active forms of tourism and local history (hiking, excursions, and expeditions);

- to increase the coverage of students with a search and volunteer movement to study both well-known objects of history, culture, economics, nature, and little studied creating the chronicle of the historical development of Lida;

- to contribute to the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of our Motherland through the systematization and accumulation of materials in the framework of the school museum;

- to organize propaganda activities to popularize the historical and cultural heritage of our Motherland through cooperation with Lida television and radio broadcasting company, Lidskaya Newspaper, and the newspaper Prinemanskie Vesty.

- to attract adolescents of antisocial behavior to participate in socially significant actions

The focal point for exploring and research continues to be Museum Council,

which includes teachers and students.

Exploring sector

Public work sector

correspondent sector

Museum Council

veteran sector

Propaganda and information center

guide sector

The main activities of the school museum:

  • the introduction of museum pedagogy in the educational process;
  • organization of trips and excursions;
  • project activities;
  • holding public events on the basis of the museum;
  • organization of exploring and research expeditions to identify little-known facts from the history of the region;
  • search for abandoned and groomed graves and their improvement;
  • cooperation with Lida History and Art Museum, the media, the zonal archive, with additional education institutions, cultural institutions.


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